Front cyclinder head. first up, homemade tool used on my cbr640 valves used again for the vfr. just a bit turned steel tube with a notch cut out( for access with needle nose pliers on the cotters). On first inspection inlets valves look fine, exhaust need a little tidying up but on the whole do not look pot- marked. before dissassebly i made sure to keep all valves, cotters, springs, buckets, shims identified to its own cylinder. Ill do the same to the rear.
Kempton park jumble came up trumps. There was quite a lot of stuff about but less jap stuff than usual however its still good to dig around. Found an old tool dealer who sold me a bag of grinding bits and some bolt extractors fro 3 quid. Also a chap from Sweden who showed me his aluminal welding wire which melts at 380 degrees c and can be used on aluminum sheet, and casting , he demonstrated how to fix my lugs so I bought some so thats good news( which i'll show later). back at the shed i drilled into the bolt, popped the extractor in and started turning and it came out within a minute! above is said bolt, bottom left hole where it came out of. So from last weeks doom and gloom its all looking better.
This engine is doomed. found 3 snapped bolts, snapped exhaust lug, cracked exhaust lug on number 2 cylinder. After un-doing 19 cyclinder head bolt, the 20th snapped! nearly giving up manged to drill a small hole into the remaining bolt head which is atleast 15 mm inside the cyclinder block. Now got to buy a reverse threaded extractor tool. It may all be wasted if as I suspect that done some damage. So a wasted weekend, donor engine may be needed.
freed the bolt, basically drilled it out from both ends with several bigger drill bits. Managed to snap one drill bit tip but luckily had got far enough in to weaken the remaining bit. Took all sunday to complete.....wrecking most of my drill bits along with the now disfigured punches. Further to this Ive now discovered a cracked and broken exhaust lugs/hole. how to fix this?...someone to weld aluminum?? or get a spare engine......probably cheaper than one cylinder head. Shame cos looking at the cam lobes look new.
This lower engine bolt has been giving me severe grief. It is totally stuck, corroded into the aluminum lugs, not siezed at the threaded end or the bolt head just those lugs. If the central part wasnt exposed to the elements and if honda had properly protected that bolt then this wouldnt happen. The engine has obviously been in the frame since it was built. The old prob when steel meets Aluminum. Ive tried various methods, used plus gas, bashed it, heated it,but got so frustrated that this is the last bolt to seperate the engine from the frame that ive sawn through the bolt adjuster, just cut through the last few threads of it so I can use it again. Ive cut through the bolt itself, in the pic to the left. see the rust on it, wellit must be a tad worse deeper along the lug part. may be a should warm the lug and use some pipe freezer on the bolt so one expands and one contracts or i go to plan b.