It was exhilerating experience being at Brands Hatch, the plunge into Paddock hill and up to Druids on the first lap was pretty hairy business. I nearly got side swiped at druids and then run off the circuit at graham hill but managed to stay on the tarmac. Over the weekend the steering tightened up, the ground clearence became a big problem, the bike would simply dig in with the footpeg then the brake pedal woud and as there was no where for the brake pedal to go it lifted the bike off the tarmac..tjhis happened twice on the rise around clearways as the suspension compressed. I tried puting more ride height on but it made the bikes back end start weaving out of clearways. The frustarting thing is I can go much faster, so my plan is to re-think this situation as I'm not wearing out my expensive pegs again. I can do a number of tweaks, get the shock sent back to nitron and have them make it longer, make some high rear sets, change the forks...get longer ones?.....lifting up the rear will make the front too steep..maybe a dont know....bit of a pickle. Anyhow I've promised the wife that now Brands is out of the way Ill do the bathroom so there may be intermitten posts from now and until the bathroom is done.