Wow what a long weekend, went up friday morning, packed up there so I parked in the over flow bit, set up my gazebo and got ready for the pm practice slots. Signed on, then found out that this side of the inner circle there were no tannoys so couldnt here the session callouts. Later moved into the paddock area opposite MCN guy Michael Neeves with hsi gleaming new looking bmw s1000r.
The track is long and real fast, by the end of the weekend I was getting the hang of the circuit. I know now where i can go faster, be more smoother wider entering the hairpins..The vfr never missed a beat even though its dyno'd power registered a low 77hp and 206 kg so really disappointed on one side....(further investigation later) and elation for completing 4 races without crashing and bringing home a 3rd position rookie, and 2nd position rookie in thunderbikes in sundays racing. For such a heavy beast and low power I was getting faster, I just had to calm down get a rhythm and take some corners wider especially 'corrums' I know I just have to get the lines and corner speed but
my biggest issue apart from power was the ground clearance, so i have to jack the bike up. Theres no question here, if i want to go faster i need more lean!.,,get some rear sets, then get the bike set up on a dyno. I managed to destroy 2 sets of boots. Most annoyng fact , spyke leathers are poorly assembled, poorly tested, bad quality control. The knee slider attachments use the velcro the opposite way to most knee slider companys. they unglued themselves from their own backing. The inner lining is held together with a plastic zip....they've all pulled out. bought from George whites a couple of years ago, only used rarely.....i will take a picture on send it too spyke.
too tired now to say any more.....pictures to come along with better race analysis