sorting my cbr640's carbs were a doddle compared to these vfr blighters. The awkwardness of them linked together gives the DIY tinkerer nightmares, usually leaving the job to the end because one cant face the dread of touching them.
Well being a sunny day I just thought get on with it. First up give the carbs a good wash and brush getting muck off the sides with paraffin ( cheaper than engine degreaser) making sure not to get any inside any holes!......then the only option use an impact screw driver onto the crummy cheese screws....they are always stuck and you will chew them if you dont use an impact.
make sure you have 4 tubs to keep each carb part identified to its original carb. Take carb bottoms off, remove floats and float needles
Uncrew pilot jet and clean wit carb cleaner...good blast down its scre hole too. unscrew main jet assembly.....carefully use a large

flat screw
driver, hold main jet nozzle in vice and undo main jet...
Standard main jets are 130. this kit is a stage 3 kit ledar jet kit probably impossible to get hold of these days as ledar died in some kind of road accident, it contained needles, specially cut out needle nozzles, large mai

n jet. contains a beast of 150 main jet . Its down to the clever needle nozzle jet and needle in combination with the main jet, the pilot was left standard on the kit, guess for stage 3 tune the pilot wont be needed! ..(so it has standard 40 pilots, mains 150 and ledar needles and nozzles). To get the old nozzles out you have to be pretty brave, it can be done without separating each carb but its a good idea to take all the base carb covers off , get a long punch with a flat end rest on the end of the nozzle the brass sealed tube horizontal in the picture and give a short sharp tap. this should nudge it just so the rubber seal holding the other end gives way, should pop out, be careful as its easy to bend the nozzle tube if you hit it at a too low and angle. Then its just a question of popping the lead nozzles in. cant go wrong its easier to do this, make sure the nozzle cut out is facing inwards.

2 spacers added to the needles as a starting point. drop in and drop the slides back into the carb. will be interesting to see how this goes. Ive changed all the crummy screws with hex's so will be easier to disassemble. According to advice 135 should be a good main jet but thats with standard needle nozzles, and this will also have little exhaust restriction.
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