Once the valves were lapped in each chamber was balanced using an old technique learnt from a friend, a small piece of 3 mm clear acrylic was placed over the head area sandwiched by some grease(thin layer), pressed down to for a temp seal. the acrylic has a small hole inwhich to drip a liquid through. using a pipette poor into hole until the liquid( say water) fills the chamber until it just attempts to push through the hole, surface tension just holding it back. Record the fluid level on the pipette, hopefully the valves being lapped in wont leak any through. Do the same for the next one and so one, This would be a good indicator on how accurate your chamber cleanng went and whether they need more material removed to match each chamber equally.
Inlet valves cleaned and ground into seats, only 2 so far. putting the collets in is tricky because of my home made compressor. dabbing a little grease on a screw driver and sticking the collets on is a good way of placing them on the valve stem, then carefully relaxing the compressor( home made tool + large g cramp shown in previous post
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